The caboose used by the NAR is a bit different from the CNR caboose 78185. The NAR caboose exhibits the final development of the traditional caboose.
The most visible difference between this and other cabooses is the replacement of the cupola with bay windows. The NAR adopted the bay window style mostly due to employee concerns that the increasing heights of cars and lengths of trains reduced forward visibility. Cupolas do not allow the crew to see down the side of the train when it is going down a straight track; side bays allow a better view of the entire train while it is in motion.
The crew sits on the padded seats in the bay windows, looking forward along the train, checking for problems like sparks from the wheels. At night, black curtains can be pulled. These allow the conductor to do his paperwork inside the caboose, while still giving the brakeman a clear view into the darkness.
At night, when the train is stopped, the bay window seats can be removed and placed in the slots opposite the table to become a bed. The table can also be lifted up and slid out of the way when not in use.