Coming up on the Heritage long weekend, the Steam Punks and Edmonton Shutterbug photographers will be visiting on Saturday August 5. We had a wonderful time hosting both groups last year, and the Victorian era clothing fit right in with the Museum’s collection. If you’re so inclined, put on your best steam punk attire and join the fun. Or wear your regular street clothes and observe as a Muggle.
On Monday August 7, the Museum will be having a handover ceremony at 1:30 PM where we take official ownership of Northern Alberta Railways (NAR) steam locomotive #73 from the Canadian Railroad Historical Association. The NAR veterans will be on hand, along with several special guests. This is a wonderful chance to chat with the NAR veterans about life on the railway and their experiences. The purchase price is a loonie, which we can well afford, even with GST. Please bring your loonies to help kick start the restoration of this key part of Alberta’s history.
We look forward to seeing you at the Museum!