Northern Alberta Railways Diesels: 1952-1980

In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the acquisition of the Northern Alberta Railways (NAR) by Canadian National (CN), the Alberta Railway Museum and the Alberta Pioneer Railway Association is pleased to release the publication of the NAR”s transition from steam to electric motive power written by Leslie S. Kozma. This book chronicles the history of the transition from 1952 to 1981 articling and preserving the stories of those involved and the effort taken to convert the entire fleet. This book features tables, rosters, diagrams and photographs from some of the most celebrated railways photographers in 72 colourful pages.

Books are only $40.00. This price includes GST/HST and postage shipped within Canada. Additional charges may be applied for shipping outside of Canada.

Order your copy today by completing the form in the link below.
Purchase NAR BOOK

The NAR book was virtually released on March 27, 2021 where we had an opportunity to interview Les Kozma and discuss what this book has meant to him and the effort involved in creating the book. The interview can be seen in the link below.
Virtual Book Release 


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The Museum supports the efforts of Canada’s railways to promote safety. We highly recommend that our guests also visit the Operation Lifesaver website. There you’ll find more information about rail safety, including in-person presentations, videos, and other resources.


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