Hi Everyone, including our members, volunteers, supporters, and interested friends:
Fall is well upon us and at the Alberta Railway Museum the restoration season is ramping up, after our abbreviated and successful summer season. It was wonderful to be able to welcome visitors and show off northern Alberta’s railway history.
Our primary project this winter is the NAR business car Dunvegan. The siding applied in the late 1980s is being removed, and will be replaced with metal cladding. As part of this the window frames are being rebuilt. Thanks to Ivan and Barry for leading this project. Our secondary project is the revitalization of the CN Baggage Car which will be used for displays. Hans is leading the project, and re-did the windows in one of the baggage car door in one day!
Over the course of the fall site improvements keep popping up — Jamie has created a ramp for the door to the station to allow access by wheelchairs and strollers, and is well building a fence between the station and the Wash Car; Mike & Charles redid the fire hall sign; John has been busy painting doors — both on the Dunvegan and the Calder shop.
Charles was kind enough to shingle the fire hall roof. Attached photo shows the last shingle being nailed down.
In other news, Alberta Gaming has awarded the Museum a casino on Wednesday December 15 and Thursday December 16 at the Starlight Casino at West Edmonton Mall. I am actively seeking volunteers. Currently we are in need of volunteers for the following positions:
Both days:
- General Manager, 10 am – 7:30 pm
- Chip Runner (two needed), 7 pm – 3:30 am
- Count room workers, 11 pm – 3:30 am
In appreciation for your volunteering at the casino, snacks are provided, as well as a free meal. Typically a casino raises $70,000 for the Museum, which is allocated over two years. The casino funds go towards restoration projects, as well as into our general revenue for utilities and site activities.
I am grateful to those of you who have already signed up. If you are available for a shift or two please let me know.
The Casino COVID policy is that everyone who walks through the door (staff, players, volunteers) must have proof of vaccine or a negative COVID test in the last 72 hours. This policy is good news as it will lessen any possible spread of the virus.
Finally, we are actively recruiting volunteers. If you know of anyone looking to lend a hand, please arrange an introduction. The volunteer roles are varied. Year round restoration work goes on. An extra set of hands or three certainly helps move our projects along. During the summer public facing activities include helping in the gift shop, greeting people, train crews (certification required. Other summer activities include ongoing site maintenance work, keeping the site mowed, clean, and presentable to visitors.
Our board meetings are generally held the first Wednesday of the month on Zoom. If you are interested in attending, please let me know and I will share the Zoom link.
For reference, here is the link to sign up for the Museum email distribution list:
I am always happy to chat via phone, text (780 441 5917), or email.
Thank-you for the role you play in preserving and interpreting Alberta’s railway history!
Thanks you,
Stephen Yakimets | President and Publicity Director