When the Museum closed for the season to the public after the September long weekend, restoration work kicked into high gear.
Two major projects currently being worked on in Calder:
- The 5 year boiler inspection of 1392, our 105 year old steam engine, headed by Terry W
- The deconstruction and rebuild of the NAR flanger, led by Barry C.
A supporting cast of thousands are/were involved – many thanks to all.
A third project involves the building of a play train, a new attraction for our 50th year. Jamie M has been hard at work constructing the train out of cedar. The tender is now completed and Locomotive 1968 well on its way to being done.
The five year boiler inspection for 1392 has been completed, and she passed! Now comes the hard work of putting her back together. The donation and installation of scaffolding coordinated by Gord Hrycun through the Alberta Regional Council of Carpenters and Allied Workers made the work on the 1392 easier and safer!
On February 17, a crew from the International Association of Frost Insulators and Allied Works, Local 110, came out and spent their Saturday applying the insulation to the boiler of 1392. A huge thank-you to Dan, Jamie, Kevin, Phil, Roberta, Sandra, & Leon! Check out the youtube video.
Progress on the NAR Flanger rebuild is well under way. What was to be a simple roof repair turned into a major project after severe rot from water damage was found. The wood working crew are to be commended on cutting out and replacing portions of some of the wooden sills and siding.
In March we exhibited at the Mom Pop and Tots Fair at the Edmonton Expo Centre. We met lots of people, sold some toy trains and other souvenir items, and handed out lots of 2 for 1 coupons and brochures.
Also in March we were pleased to host former Northern Alberta Railways (NAR) employees Bill, John, Johnny G, and Stuart for the filming of a documentary. This documentary will include a segment on the NAR’s role on the home front in World War II.
Upcoming events:
April 28 – Rules training class – required for train operating crews. All are welcome. Please email us if you plan to attend.
May 5 – Site cleanup day #1 – let’s spruce up the site and clean away the winter grime
May 12 – Site cleanup day #2 – come out, lend a hand, volunteers will be fed.
May 15 & 16 – Casino at West Edmonton Mall. Volunteers needed for the night shift. If you’re a night owl, we have room for you! Volunteers will be fed.
May 19, 20, 21 – Opening weekend, Victoria Day! The Union Jack will be flying. Put on your Victorian finest. Prizes will be given for the best dressed.
Suggestions, ideas, volunteers, and donations are always welcome. I can be contacted at 780-441-5917, by email. I am also at the Museum most Saturdays.